FOREO Imagination DIY Mask Base 100ml- Máscara DIY

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FOREO Imagination DIY Mask Base 100ml
FOREO Imagination™ Base de máscara DIY hidratante e rica em anti-oxidantes
Cria a máscara DIY dos teus sonhos, com um toque de imaginação
A primeira de seu tipo, criada especificamente para utilizar com ingredientes frescos da sua cozinha. Esta fórmula única e suave como a seda atua como uma base ultra-hidratante para as suas máscaras caseiras. Mantendo a densidade de aplicação perfeita, espalha-se uniformemente na pele e nutre com os superalimentos mais limpos e não processados, enquanto permite uma máscara feita na hora. A base calmante apresenta o Complexo Triplo de Infusão, de reforço da eficácia da FOREO para absorever vitaminas e minerais ativos profundamente na pele, onde podem atuar melhor, para uma luminosidade natural e saudável.
· Aumenta a absorção de ativos de ingredientes frescos na pele
· Hidratação profunda de longa duração para conforto da pele
· Tez luminosa e saudável protegida dos danos dos radicais livres
· Pele calma e flexível, mais resistente a agentes de stress externos
· Cuidados naturais com a pele, sem ingredientes nocivos
· Uma máscara facial DIY nova pronta em minutos
· Sem escorrer ou mistura irregular, densidade de aplicação perfeita sempre
· Fórmula limpa e segura, vegana, cruelty-free e dermatologicamente testada, adequada para todos os tipos de pele
· DIY Mask Base (100ml) + Cookbook
· Usos: Até 20 (5ml por máscara facial)
- Modo de utilização
- Ingredientes
A FOREO Sweden coloca a tecnologia ao teu lado, com a sua inovadora linha de dispositivos de beleza. Mais conhecida pelos dispositivos de limpeza facial LUNA e máscaras UFO inteligentes, a FOREO está comprometida em oferecer soluções de tecnologia de beleza que te façam sentir bem e com uma pele de sonho! Com produtos inteligentes, eficazes e fáceis de usar, vais desfrutar de resultados incríveis!

FOREO Imagination DIY Mask Base 100ml- Máscara DIY
it's nice...
Perfect timing to ask for a review - as I'm literally using it right now - and it's nice. The main reason I'm using it is that my UFO had to be replaced, and so I'm sans UFO for a bit. I've used this product now 5 times - once by itself (no extra ingredients), once with way too much - probably shouldn't have put it on my face, and three times now with about the right amount of stuff in it. A lot of reviews out there claim this product is great by itself - I didn't find anything all that glorious about it personally, but who knows maybe if I did it more than once I'd find out it was great, no idea. The second time wasn't great, for obvious reasons. The last three times have been nice, though! These three times were only possible after extensive research elsewhere plus trial and error - which I find quite disheartening - FOREO should be sending additional information on how to get started (some basic quantities info, and a basic list of ingredients that are good for the five main concerns would be nice), instead they only include a book where you're supposed to input your own recipes - I cringe every time I receive one as it seems like a crazy, albeit gorgeous, waste of trees. All 7 of the books I've received went straight to recycling, obviously - because we have phones, with a 'notes' app in it, duh (this should be obvious to a company that creates devices which all depend on their app...) That said, after finally landing on a good combo, it was a great experience, and the mask was truly wonderful for my skin (I used a bit of turmeric powder, a bit of cacao powder, two wild blueberries and a squirt of honey plus the mask base) - my skin is bright, glow-y and tightened after this treat. I will note that the base is not magical... you can still create a too-runny mask, which I realized the day the honey I had on hand was different in consistency from the usual. The base also tends to require quite a bit of work to fully blend in the combo I mentioned - there are usually some small bits of base (little white dots) that are still there by the time I apply, because at some point you get tired of mixing, hah - I imagine if you had all the time in the world you could figure out a way to mix the ingredients in the best possible way to ensure they all blend completely, but, that's not me. If you don't have a UFO, then I recommend this product if you want to create personalized masks. However, I'm not sure I'd do this too often once I have a UFO in my hands again.
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